Groundbreaking research reveals the impact of genetics on IQ scores over time

(Photo credit: DALL·E)

The age-old debate over nature versus nurture (whether our genes or environment play a more important role in shaping our intelligence) has long intrigued scientists, educators, and the public. A recent groundbreaking study, published in the journal Personality and individual differencessheds new light on this discussion. The longitudinal study, the first of its kind using … Read more

Groundbreaking CERN experiments give physicists unprecedented new insights into the mysteries of the universe – The Debrief


Major recent developments, driven by support from CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, are providing deeper insights into the fundamental nature of our universe. The ongoing experiments at CERN are aimed at exploring the smallest building blocks of matter and the forces that govern them. By revealing the dynamics of these forces, scientists can … Read more

Groundbreaking discovery: How zinc could change agriculture forever


A new study reveals the crucial role of zinc in regulating nitrogen fixation in legumes via a sensor called FUN. This discovery could help improve crop efficiency and reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers by adapting to environmental and soil conditions. Researchers have discovered that zinc has a significant impact on the nitrogen fixation process … Read more

University of Minnesota withdraws groundbreaking research on stem cells and Alzheimer’s disease

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 public domain Years after questions were raised about their integrity, two of the University of Minnesota’s most prominent scientific discoveries have been retracted in the space of one week: one that offered hope for the therapeutic potential of stem cells and the other that offered a promising path to treating Alzheimer’s disease. The … Read more

Groundbreaking discovery: how researchers found remains of Earth’s original crust near Perth

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source written by researcher(s) proofread OK! Dikes in Norway cut into older layered sandstone rocks. Credit: Cato Andersen/Mapillary, CC BY-SA × close to Dikes in Norway cut into older layered sandstone rocks. Credit: Cato Andersen/Mapillary, CC BY-SA Our planet was born about 4.5 … Read more

Groundbreaking discovery: how researchers found remains of Earth’s original crust near Perth

Dikes in Norway cut into older layered sandstone rocks. Credit: Cato Andersen/Mapillary, CC BY-SA Our planet was born about 4.5 billion years ago. To understand this mind-bogglingly long history, we must study rocks and the minerals from which they are made. The oldest rocks in Australia, which are among the oldest on Earth, are found … Read more

Space detection of terrestrial anomalies: groundbreaking new technique reveals early signs of earthquakes


A new study highlights the potential of satellites in detecting early indicators of earthquakes through anomalies in the ground, atmosphere and ionosphere, suggesting the possibility of predicting earthquakes earlier than previously thought. Professor Mehdi Akhoondzadeh’s research, which analyzed satellite data from recent earthquakes near the Turkey-Syria border, identified significant anomalies in the precursors that occurred … Read more

Groundbreaking research reveals a link between obesity, inflammation and aging


CNIO researchers have found that cells signaling that they contain excess nutrients can lead to organ malfunction and inflammation, potentially accelerating aging. Using animal models and comparisons with human blood samples, they have shown that targeting inflammation can alleviate the symptoms of aging and extend life, with implications for understanding diseases associated with aging and … Read more

Apple Watch gets this groundbreaking new feature for runners. This is why I’m so excited

Apple Watch training load

With each year that passes, the Apple Watch becomes a better sports option, and as an avid runner who has used the Apple Watch in the past to prepare for marathons, the standout update to watchOS 11 for me is the addition of training load that reveals at WWDC 2024. Training load tracking is a … Read more

Vera C. Rubin Observatory: The groundbreaking mission to create a 10-year time-lapse movie of the universe

An aerial view of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile with a spectacular sunset.

Astronomers are about to capture a time-lapse of the night sky using the largest digital camera ever built. Chile’s new Vera C. Rubin Observatory, designed to reveal every new or moving point of light and the structure of the universe, will take so many pictures, so quickly, that it will effectively produce an astronomical movie … Read more