Astronauts in space catch mysterious red lights glowing in Earth’s atmosphere

A stunning photo taken this spring by NASA SpaceX Crew-8 mission commander Matthew Dominick captured the quick flash of a weather phenomenon known as a

A NASA astronaut has captured photographs from a window aboard the International Space Station (ISS) of eerie, glowing red lights hanging in Earth’s atmosphere. The stunning image, taken on June 3 by NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 mission commander Matthew Dominick, captured the quick flash of a weather phenomenon known as “red sprite” lightning. Red sprites are … Read more

NASA scientists observe bizarre alphabet-shaped structures glowing above Earth’s atmosphere

The closer you look at the universe, the more mysterious it seems. NASA’s Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission recently revealed bizarre C- and X-shaped structures floating in the electrified layer of the ionosphere. “Who knew Earth’s upper atmosphere was like alphabet soup?” NASA wrote about the sighting on its website. The … Read more