The world is using more oil, coal and gas than ever before and will continue to do so. Net Zero is dead

A key point of consensus regarding global oil demand is the expectation that it will remain robust, driven by a combination of factors including economic recovery, increased travel and rising industrial activity in non-OECD countries. The only major body not seeing sustained, massive growth is the International Energy Agency (IEA), which revised its figures this … Read more

‘It’s causing loss of sleep’: British Gas sends out bills showing a 1,000% price increase

aLison Woods lives frugally alone in a two-bedroom flat, but as far as British Gas is concerned she uses enough energy to fuel a cannabis farm. The estimated quarterly bill figures received in March were 1,000% higher than the same period last year. Ofgem estimates the cost was almost £2,000 more than the average household … Read more

Scientists propose converting natural gas directly into hydrogen in gas fields

The process of hydrogen production from gas fields. Credit: Mukhina et al. / Fuel, 2024 Researchers at Skoltech have found a way to produce hydrogen from natural gas with an efficiency of 45%, directly in the gas field, by injecting steam and a catalyst into a well and adding oxygen to ignite the gas. The … Read more

New research confirms the presence of benzene in natural gas and the possibility of undetectable indoor leaks

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication proofread OK! PSE Healthy Energy researchers collect samples of unburned natural gas from a kitchen stove. Credit: Alessandro Citterio × close to PSE Healthy Energy researchers collect samples of unburned natural gas from a kitchen stove. Credit: Alessandro Citterio New research shows that even … Read more

Galaxies actively forming in the early universe feed on cold gas

Researchers analyzing data from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have identified three galaxies that may have been actively forming when the universe was just 400 to 600 million years old. Webb’s data shows that these galaxies are surrounded by gas that the researchers suspect is composed almost exclusively of hydrogen and helium, the earliest elements … Read more

Maserati MC20 Cielo Driven: is gas still more exciting than electric?

One of the criticisms that diehard ‘gearheads’ level at electric vehicles is that they lack passion. Complaints concern the absence of noise, failure to shift gears and reduced driver involvement in both. After testing many very fast EVs during my time as an electric car journalist, I thought it was high time to explore what … Read more