MOND vs. Dark Matter: Research suggests that the rotation curves of galaxies remain flat indefinitely

The main technique Mistele used in his research, gravitational lensing, is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. As part of the research, Mistele plotted the so-called Tully-Fisher relationship on a map to highlight the empirical relationship between a galaxy’s visible mass and its rotation rate. In a discovery that challenges conventional understanding … Read more

NASA Images: From nebulas to galaxies, these photos will blow your mind

The National Aeronautics of Space Administration (NASA) never fails to amaze us with breathtaking images from space, offering a glimpse of phenomena light years away from Earth. From dazzling nebulae to mesmerizing galaxies, here are NASA’s top seven recent snapshots of the cosmos. Glitter star cluster NGC 2005 The US space agency shared a dazzling … Read more

How are galaxies destroyed?

The clashing galaxies NGC 4568 (bottom) and NGC 4567 (top) as seen by the Gemini North telescope in Hawai‘i

Eventually, all galaxies, including our own Milky Way, will come to an end. But how do galaxies die? If you’re in the mood to destroy an entire galaxy, you have several options depending on the level of destructiveness you want. Related: Monstrous black holes may have killed their host galaxies in the early universe Option … Read more

Enters the Heat of the Battle – NASA’s Chandra Monitors Habitability of Exoplanets – NASA

This image shows a three-dimensional map of stars near the Sun. These stars are so close that they could be prime targets for direct searches for planets using future telescopes. The blue halos represent stars observed with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton. The yellow star in the center of this diagram represents the … Read more

NASA’s Roman mission gets cosmic ‘sneak peek’ from supercomputers – NASA

Simulated Roman image full of synthetic galaxies

Researchers delve into a synthetic universe to help us better understand the real universe. Using supercomputers at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, scientists have created nearly 4 million simulated images of the cosmos from NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, jointly funded by NSF (the … Read more

Wind from black holes can influence the development of surrounding galaxies

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! An artist’s impression of a quasar wind (in light blue) being launched from the accretion disk (red-orange) around a supermassive black hole. Credit: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss, Catherine Grier and the SDSS Collaboration × close to An artist’s impression of a quasar … Read more

Scientists are discovering more Milky Way-like galaxies in the early universe, expanding our understanding of how galaxies formed

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Some of the spiral galaxies studied by the researchers in the study. Credit: Vicki Kuhn × close to Some of the spiral galaxies studied by the researchers in the study. Credit: Vicki Kuhn Scientists at the University of Missouri are … Read more

Scientists are discovering more Milky Way-like galaxies in the early universe, expanding our understanding of how galaxies formed

Some of the spiral galaxies studied by the researchers in the study. Credit: Vicki Kuhn Scientists at the University of Missouri are peering into the past and discovering new clues about the early universe. Because light takes a long time to travel through space, they can now see what galaxies looked like billions of years … Read more

‘Super’ star cluster shines in new look of NASA’s Chandra – NASA

Star Cluster Westerlund 1.

Westerlund 1 is the largest and closest ‘super’ star cluster to Earth. New data from NASA’s Chandra These are the first data released publicly from a project called the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey, or EWOCS, led by astronomers at Italy’s National Institute of Astrophysics in Palermo. As part of EWOCS, Chandra … Read more

A cosmic bomb could change everything we know about the Milky Way Galaxy

The ‘Benjamin Button’ effect allows astronomers to better calculate ‘last big crash’ TROY, N.Y. — A stunning new study could turn everything we know about our cosmic home – the Milky Way Galaxy – upside down. According to researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, our galaxy may have collided with another galaxy billions of years later … Read more