I tried the first smartphone-based telescope and took next-level photos of the moon – then galaxies and nebulas

Vaonis Hestia smart telescope on a tripod pointing up at the night sky with a Google Pixel phone attached

Telescopes are evolving and their appeal is increasing. The Vaonis Hestia is a perfect example of this. It was first announced almost a year ago, as the world’s first smartphone telescope. It should make astronomy more accessible than ever – and I tested it extensively for its stargazing strides. The Hestia is a fresh take … Read more

Wild theory suggests dark matter could make stars immortal

Stars near the center of our galaxy could be forever fueled by dark matter, according to a team of astronomers who recently studied the distant light sources. Florida family sues NASA over home damaged by space debris The group of stars, known as S-cluster stars, are located just three light-years from the center of the … Read more

Astronomers discover two new satellite galaxies of the Milky Way

The position of a newly found dwarf galaxy (Virgo III) in the constellation Virgo (left) and its members (right; the stars circled in white). The member stars are concentrated within the dotted line in the right panel. Credit: NAOJ/Tohoku University For years, astronomers have worried about how to explain why the Milky Way has fewer … Read more

See a starburst galaxy, ablaze with explosive star birth, and devouring dwarf galaxies (video)

A starburst galaxy, teeming with forming stars, devours surrounding dwarf galaxies in a stunning new image from the twin telescopes Gemini North. Bright red and pink wisps of gas and dust and bright white and blue stars seen in the image make up the galaxy NCG 4449, also known as Caldwell 21, located about 13 … Read more

Supermassive black hole winds blowing at speeds of 56 million kilometers per hour can shape entire galaxies

A glowing red and orange disk with a black circle at its center and blue streaks coming from it.

A bright quasar, powered by a supermassive black hole, emits radiation that pushes clouds of gas away from its surroundings, generating winds at speeds of about 58 million kilometers per hour. Oh, and the quasar is also almost as old as the universe itself. The discovery, made by a team of scientists led by astronomers … Read more

Supermassive black hole winds blowing at speeds of 56 million kilometers per hour can shape entire galaxies

A bright quasar, powered by a supermassive black hole, emits radiation that pushes clouds of gas away from its surroundings, generating winds at speeds of about 58 million kilometers per hour. Oh, and the quasar is also almost as old as the universe itself. The discovery, made by a team of scientists led by astronomers … Read more

‘The early universe is nothing like what we expected’: James Webb telescope reveals ‘new understanding’ of how galaxies formed at cosmic dawn

A series of glistening, golden dots in the center of the image show an ancient galaxy glowing in the early universe, surrounding by countless bright stars and galaxies

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered what could be the earliest star clusters in the universe. JWST discovered the five proto-globular clusters – swarms of millions of stars held together by gravity – within the Cosmic Gems arc, a galaxy that formed just 460 million years after the Sun’s birth. Big bang. The … Read more

NASA’s Webb finds spiral galaxies that formed earlier than once thought

Spiral galaxy, NGC 4303, seen from above. Pink, orange and red galactic long-range images. Elements … [+] of this image provided by NASA (combination of images observed by the Webb and Hubble telescopes) Getty Like most good science, large telescopes often create more riddles than they solve. That’s certainly been the case with NASA’s Webb … Read more

MOND vs. Dark Matter: Research suggests that the rotation curves of galaxies remain flat indefinitely

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! The main technique Mistele used in his research, gravitational lensing, is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity. As part of the research, Mistele plotted the so-called Tully-Fisher relationship on a map to highlight the empirical relationship between … Read more