A fungus is killing frogs. Homemade saunas could save them, scientists say.

A fungal infection that some scientists consider one of the worst wildlife diseases of all time is wreaking havoc on frog populations worldwide. Now, scientists say they’ve discovered a way to help frogs fight back: tiny saunas. Dozens of frogs placed in hollow black bricks in Australia did more than just soak up the sun’s … Read more

If you give a frog a sauna, it can fight a deadly fungus

For decades, a deadly fungal disease has been ravaging the world’s amphibians, wiping out frogs, toads and salamanders from the mountain lakes of the United States to the rainforests of Australia. The disease, known as chytridiomycosis or chytrid, has wiped out at least 90 species of amphibians and contributed to the decline of hundreds more … Read more

Plastic-eating sea fungus found in Great Pacific Garbage Patch

According to National GeographicThe Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Also called the Pacific Debris Vortex, it consists of two distinct collections of debris bounded by the vast subtropical gyre in the North Pacific Ocean. Now scientists have examined plastic waste floating in the Great Pacific … Read more