Openreach tightens stance on where to stay for Altnet UK broadband engineers


Openreach (BT) has begun the process of reviewing its position on compliance with its “place of residenceThis could lead to them taking further contractual action against alternative UK broadband networks (altnets) that are struggling to meet the necessary 90% performance threshold, which could ultimately include restrictions on network access. To give this some context, Openreach’s … Read more

EE UK Launches 1.6Gbps FTTP broadband package for gamers

EE Smart Hub Plus Router

Broadband ISP and mobile operator EE (BT) today launched a second Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) package with a speed of 1.6Gbps on Openreach’s network, calling it ‘Broadband made for gamers‘bundle and claims to offer online gamers’lower latency, geofencing of game servers and prioritization of internal networks,” among other things. In case anyone forgot, EE already launched a … Read more

Brsk and Netomnia reach agreement on major UK full-fiber broadband merger

Netomnia and Brsk Leadership Teams by Vans

As first rumored on these pages in April 2024 (here), two of the largest alternative UK network operators on the market – Netomnia (YouFibre) and Brsk – both of which have a significant amount of Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) have deployed broadband. ISP infrastructure for UK homes and businesses has today formally agreed to a merger. First, … Read more