Lost era of monotremes revealed by fossils from 100 million years ago

As the bones locked in the rocks rotted away, water-based silica seeped into the crevices, solidified into opal and preserved precious details for 100 million years. The resulting fossils now provide evidence that there may really have been an age of monotremes, before other mammals took over. “It’s like discovering a whole new civilisation,” says … Read more

Three boys found a T. rex fossil in North Dakota. Now a museum in Denver is working to reveal it in full

Associated Press

Two young brothers and their cousin were wandering through a fossil-rich stretch of North Dakota’s badlands when they made a discovery that left them “completely speechless”: a T. rex bone sticking out of the ground. The trio publicly announced their discovery Monday during a Zoom news conference, as workers at the Denver Museum of Nature … Read more