Why buying a new 4K TV will probably force you to give up Freeview for something completely new

If you’re looking to upgrade to a new smart TV in the coming months, the change will likely mean giving up Freeview. That’s because Freely, a new broadband-powered alternative from the Freeview team, is fast becoming the new standard for TV manufacturers in the UK. Free, which launched in april with a single TV brand … Read more

Climate change: Arctic ‘dirty oil’ ban comes into force for ships – BBC News

Image caption, Many oil and gas tankers in the Arctic use heavy fuel oil to power their engines Item information A ban on the most polluting and climate-damaging fuel for ships is in force in Arctic waters. Heavy fuel oil (HFO) is a tarry, thick, but relatively cheap oil that is widely used in shipping … Read more

Google is launching a crackdown on VPNs and it could force you to pay more than ever before

All products are independently selected by our experts. To help us provide free, unbiased advice, we earn an affiliate commission when you purchase something. Click here to learn more Google is taking a tough stance on YouTube viewers who use the best VPN deals to subscribe to cheap YouTube Premium in other countries. The Californian … Read more

Delta Force: Hawk Ops aims to be three tactical military shooters in one – IGN

There was a lot that came out of my hands-on time with Delta Force: Hawk Ops that I didn’t expect. I didn’t know it was a complete reboot of the 1999 military shooter series, meticulously reimagined in Unreal Engine 5. I never thought it was an attempt at not one, not two, but three different … Read more

‘A force more powerful than gravity in the Earth’: how magnetism locked itself in our planet

Geomagnetic field around planet Earth in space.

The image of an atom, with electrons swarming around a central nucleus bursting with protons and neutrons, is as iconic in our perception of science as the DNA helix or the rings of Saturn. But no matter how far we scratch the surface of these basic scientific principles, we can go deeper, focus the microscope … Read more