Finding the Inner Glow: What Biology and Fiction Writing Have in Common

Biology is the study of life, of finding unusual beauty in the ordinary. And so is writing. Article continues below Why do we find glowing lights beautiful? From natural phenomena like fireflies and bioluminescent ocean waves, to man-made phenomena like fairy lights and vast nighttime cityscapes, there’s an allure to all that sparkle, glitter and … Read more

A creepy ‘digital afterlife’ is no longer science fiction. So how do we navigate the risks?

Imagine a future where your phone pings with the message that your late father’s “digital immortal” bot is ready. This promise of chatting with a virtual version of your loved one – perhaps through a virtual reality (VR) headset – is like stepping into a science fiction movie, both thrilling and a little creepy. As … Read more

Straight from science fiction: NASA is developing six groundbreaking space technologies for tomorrow


A collage of artist concepts highlighting the new approaches proposed by the 2024 NIAC Phase II winners for possible future missions. Credit: NASA, From left to right: Edward Balaban, Mary Knapp, Mahmooda Sultana, Brianna Clements, Ethan Schaler NASAThe Innovative Advanced Concepts program is advancing six “science fiction-style” space technology projects, including a lunar railway and … Read more