Mysterious Unknown Deep Sea Creatures Discovered During Abyssal Expedition


Sea anemones catch small animals floating along the bottom. This species belongs to the order Actiniaria. Credit: SMARTEX/NHM/NOC Transparent sea cucumbers, pink sea pigs and bowl-shaped sponges are some of the fascinating animals discovered during a deep-sea expedition to the Pacific Ocean’s Abyssal Plains. A 45-day research expedition to the Clarion Clipperton Zone between Mexico … Read more

Unknown species discovered during deep-sea expedition

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! This transparent sea cucumber belongs to the Elpidiidae family and is called ‘unicummber’. You can clearly see his intestines and that he has eaten sediment. We can only guess what the long tail is for, but probably for swimming. Credit: SMARTEX/NHM/NOC × … Read more