Warp theorists say we have embarked on an exotic propulsion space race to build the world’s first working warp drive – The Debrief

warp drive

An international team of physicists behind several revolutionary warp drive concepts, including the first that doesn’t require exotic matter, say recent unprecedented breakthroughs in physics and propulsion have pitted world powers in a 21st-century Cold War-style space race launched to become the world’s first working warp drive. “A space race is brewing,” says Gianni Martie, … Read more

How neutron stars ‘playing cool’ can unlock exotic physics

a blazing blue ball of light bordered in white, with red/pink poles. Blue loops of light shoot out and back in large arches in dusty space.

Scientists have discovered that there are three neutron starsborn in the fires of other exploding stars, have cooled surprisingly quickly, bringing us closer to understanding the exotic nature of the matter in the cores of these extreme objects. The discovery was made by a Spanish team led by Alessio Marino from the Institute of Space … Read more

Why is Neptune’s magnetic field so strange? An exotic molecule could be the answer

An image of Uranus on the left and Neptune on the right. They look almost indiscernible as they

In the depths of our solar system – a realm where chemistry and speculation collide – scientists have reported the possible existence of a molecule known as aquodiium, an elusive cousin of the ammonium ion. If true, it could explain the oddities in the magnetic fields of Neptune and Uranus. This is a major problem … Read more

Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: AI-generated image × close to Credit: AI-generated image For every kilogram of matter we can see – from the computer on your desk to distant stars and galaxies – there are 5 kilograms of invisible matter permeating our environment. … Read more

Massive new NASA exoplanet catalog reveals 126 extreme and exotic worlds

Lots of different exoplanet illustrations neatly organized in a grid pattern. They

A new catalog of 126 extrasolar worlds contains a plethora of newly discovered planets – some extreme and exotic in nature, but others could potentially support life as we know it. The mix of planets in the catalog is further evidence of the vast and wild variety of worlds beyond our cosmic backyard; it even … Read more