Cats on a leash… yes, it exists

Jennifer Privett takes her Himalayan cat Jean Claude for a walk in San Francisco on June 28. Chloë Veltman/NPR hide caption switch caption Chloë Veltman/NPR On a sunny afternoon in San Francisco, Jennifer Privett took a walk with her huge, fluffy, blue-eyed Himalayan dog Jean Claude. With his lush, cream-colored coat and chocolate-colored face, tail, … Read more

If alien life exists on Europa, we could find it in hydrothermal vents

closeup of an icy moon, whose white surface is crisscrossed by reddish-brown lines

Low-temperature hydrothermal vents could potentially survive for billions of years on the dark ocean floors of moons such as Jupiter’s Europa, new computer simulations have shown, as astrobiologists strive to find out whether these alien oceans could be habitable. Hydrothermal vents are a source of chemical energy as well as heat, and represent one of … Read more

Neanderthal DNA exists in humans, but one piece is mysteriously missing

Neanderthals, the closest relatives of modern humans, lived in parts of Europe and Asia until their extinction about 30,000 years ago. Genetic studies are increasingly revealing more about the links between modern humans and these long-gone relatives – most recently that a wave of interbreeding between our species occurred over a relatively short period of … Read more

Proof that the Beast of Cumbria exists?

There have long been rumors that big cats roam the British countryside. Blurry photos, large unexplained trails and dramatic eyewitness accounts routinely add to the mystery of their existence. But now scientists say they have found definitive evidence that a leopard is prowling the Lake District – after linking the DNA of a dead sheep … Read more

Proof that the Beast of Cumbria exists? Scientists have found big cat DNA on ravaged sheep in the Lake District

Scientists say they have found definitive evidence that a leopard is prowling the Lake District - after comparing the DNA of a dead sheep with a non-native big cat (stock image)

There have long been rumors that big cats roam the British countryside. Blurry photos, large unexplained trails and dramatic eyewitness accounts routinely add to the mystery of their existence. But now scientists say they have found definitive evidence that a leopard is prowling the Lake District – after linking the DNA of a dead sheep … Read more