Astronomers reveal stunning image of baby star coming into existence

Wherever the JWST looks in space, matter and energy interact in spectacular displays. The Webb reveals more details of these interactions than any other telescope because it can peer through the dense gas and dust that shrouds many objects. In a new image, the JWST sees a young protostar that is only 100,000 years old. … Read more

Mars: new research challenges Existence of liquid water lake under the planet’s south pole

Mars New Research Challenges Existence Of Liquid Water Lake Under Planet's South Pole

Recent studies have cast doubt on the presence of a lake of liquid water beneath the ice cap at Mars’ south pole, a discovery that initially raised hopes of finding microbial life on the Red Planet. In 2018, the European Space Agency’s Mars Express satellite detected strong radar reflections that indicated a 12-mile-long lake lay … Read more

Gravity without mass? New study challenges the existence of hypothetical dark matter – The Debrief


A recent study that poses new challenges to the existence of dark matter suggests that gravity can exist even in the absence of mass. Although all life on Earth experiences its effects every day, gravity remains one of the great mysteries of modern physics. Now, a new study published by Dr. Richard Lieu of the … Read more