Scientists find biohack to quadruple lifespan of electric aircraft batteries

Researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of Michigan turned to modern biology labs to find ways to improve battery performance in electric aircraft. Technology that helps us better understand our cells could also unlock a future of zero-emission aviation. The types of batteries we have developed so far have made electrification of … Read more

Scientists freeze microscope to reveal precise shape of ice, a first

For the first time, researchers from Kobe University led by ONISHI Hiroshi observed the precise shape of ice at the ice-liquid interface. Due to the complexity of the task, researchers used creative solutions to observe this phenomenon, such as using antifreeze and cooling the microscope system in a cool box to make accurate measurements. They … Read more

18MW: Germany chooses China to supply world’s largest wind turbines

A recent announcement by German wind farm developer Luxcara that it is choosing a Chinese equipment manufacturer for its future site has caused a storm in Europe. This pivotal moment could determine the direction in which the European Union’s green transition plans will go in the coming years. After the introduction of electric vehicles, it … Read more

West Antarctica was ice-free 34 million years ago, new samples show

Today, few deny the impact of global warming. Now that the term has become slang for everything that is wrong with the planet, experts have been conducting empirical studies of its impact on the Antarctic ice sheets. What used to be called “forever” is now melting rapidly, at a rate that was previously unimaginable. This … Read more

Energy density of redox flow battery doubled with vanadium substitute

Researchers from the Energy Storage Research Department of the Korea Institute of Energy Research have found an alternative to vanadium, a key component of redox flow batteries, an area of ​​active research worldwide. Research has shown that vanadium mined from the ground can be replaced with readily available molecules consisting of carbon and oxygen. Renewable … Read more

40-million-year-old river discovered buried under Antarctic ice

Millions of years ago, Antarctica looked very different from the icy landscape we know today. A research expedition led by the Alfred Wegener Institute has uncovered a hidden secret. Geologists discovered evidence of an ancient river system by studying sediment samples from the Amundsen Sea. This suggests that Antarctica supported a temperate climate about 34 … Read more

22-pound small great ape species discovered, Germany debugs old idea

Scientists discovered this earlier Danuvius guggenmosi, an extinct genus of great apes, lived 11.6 million years ago in southern Germany during the Middle-Late Miocene. This species was believed to be the only member of the genus Danuvius. However, researchers have recently discovered the existence of a second species of great apes from the same stratigraphic … Read more

New water-based heat pump delivers 400% more heat than the energy it consumes

A new type of equipment is being trialled at the University of Edinburgh to provide sustainable power to homes and offices in Edinburgh, Scotland. This innovation was developed by SeaWarm, a spin-off company from the University of Edinburgh that harnesses the power of water sources from seas, rivers, ponds and even mine water to efficiently … Read more

Plastic-eating sea fungus found in Great Pacific Garbage Patch

According to National GeographicThe Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Also called the Pacific Debris Vortex, it consists of two distinct collections of debris bounded by the vast subtropical gyre in the North Pacific Ocean. Now scientists have examined plastic waste floating in the Great Pacific … Read more

The last solar storm was so intense that it sank to the ocean floor

The beginning of May was a very stormy period for our sun. A powerful solar storm lit up the skies worldwide with mesmerizing and intense aurora images. Surprisingly, its effects were felt far beyond our planet’s atmosphere, even at the bottom of the ocean. Deep beneath the ocean’s surface, Ocean Networks Canada’s instruments detected major … Read more