Shark eggs may no longer hatch due to climate change

Climate change may be on the horizon for some sharks, new research suggests. The study found that eggs of the spotted catshark are significantly less likely to survive under the worst-case climate scenario in 2100. The findings still suggest that these sharks could continue to thrive under less dire climate conditions. The new Beats pills … Read more

Newly discovered deep-sea squid sacrifices itself to keep giant eggs safe

A team of deep-sea scientists has made a mother of a discovery. In recent research, they describe the discovery of a female squid exhibiting unusual behavior for its species: protecting and carrying around a clutch of giant eggs. The mama squid likely belongs to a previously unknown species of cephalopod, the researchers have determined. Automation … Read more

Captivating video shows a mysterious deep-sea squid holding its eggs

In the cold, dark waters of the Gulf of California, a strange squid was discovered watching over its nesting young. At depths far below the reach of sunlight, a remotely piloted vehicle spotted a species of cephalopod that few humans – if any at all – would have seen. Clutched tightly in her arms was … Read more

Advanced underwater robots discover deep-sea squids hatching giant eggs

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! During a 2015 expedition to the Gulf of California, MBARI researchers encountered a squid that was hatching exceptionally large eggs. New research suggests that this may represent a previously unknown species in the family Gonatidae. Credit: MBARI × close to … Read more