Frog saunas are helping endangered frogs survive the devastating effects of a deadly fungal disease

Green and gold bell frogs in artificial hotspot shelter. Credit: Anthony Waddle Researchers from Macquarie University have used heat to develop a simple and effective way to help endangered frogs survive the devastating effects of a multi-species pandemic. In collaboration with the University of Melbourne, researchers have delved into the fungal disease chytridiomycosis, which has … Read more

Frog saunas are helping endangered frogs survive the devastating effects of a deadly fungal disease

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Green and gold bell frogs in artificial hotspot shelter. Credit: Anthony Waddle × close to Green and gold bell frogs in artificial hotspot shelter. Credit: Anthony Waddle Researchers from Macquarie University have used heat to develop a simple and effective … Read more

Nvidia shares are cracking. How to avoid damage.

After briefly being anointed king of the stock market, Nvidia has been hit hard. While that could be a warning sign for investors concerned that this year’s rally has relied too heavily on a few big tech names, there are many ways to avoid bubble-like prices while staying broadly invested. Last Tuesday, Nvidia briefly passed … Read more

Quantum effects prohibit the formation of black holes by high concentrations of intense light, physicists say

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! For the past seventy years, astrophysicists have theorized the existence of ‘kugelblitze’, black holes caused by extremely high concentrations of light. They speculated that these special black holes may be related to astronomical phenomena such as dark matter, and that … Read more

Investigating the effects of visual distraction during natural behavior using VR technology

Trade-off between dependence on WM and gathering information from the external world. a Our implicit measure of working memory (WM) use: Copying each object requires its identity and location information (attribute) to be held in memory. Counting successful pick-ups (i.e., identity feature used) and placements (i.e., location feature used) between model fixations provided a measure … Read more