Newly discovered exoplanet could have temperatures similar to Earth, astronomers suggest

A newly discovered exoplanet, estimated to have a remarkably moderate surface temperature, is suddenly one of the most intriguing objects in our immediate sky. This Venus-sized rocky world passes by a red dwarf star, offering astronomers a rare opportunity to investigate whether such planets can maintain their atmospheres and possibly support life. How will time … Read more

When will the next big solar storm hit Earth? New discoveries about the sun’s magnetic field can improve predictions

New research indicates that the Sun’s magnetic field originates much closer to the surface than previously thought, a finding that could help predict periods of extreme solar storms like the one struck the earth earlier this month. It appears that the magnetic field originates 20,000 miles below the surface of the sun. Previous calculations placed … Read more

When will the next big solar storm hit Earth? New discoveries about the sun’s magnetic field can improve predictions

New research indicates that the Sun’s magnetic field originates much closer to the surface than previously thought, a finding that could help predict periods of extreme solar storms like the one struck the earth earlier this month. It appears that the magnetic field originates 20,000 miles below the surface of the sun. Previous calculations placed … Read more

A comet approaching Earth could become brighter than the stars this fall

a fuzzy white orb leaves a tail behind it as it soars past background stars, which appear as streaks

In a year where we’ve already been treated to the ‘Great North American Solar Eclipse’ in April and one of the greatest displays of the Northern Lights in the last 500 years in May, what other amazing celestial attractions could 2024 have in store for us? ? How about a bright comet with the naked … Read more

Can coal mines be tapped for rare earth elements?

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Michael Vanden Berg, a geologist with the Utah Geological Survey, examines a coal outcrop near the old Star Point mine in Utah. Credit: Lauren Birgenheier, University of Utah × close to Michael Vanden Berg, a geologist with the Utah Geological … Read more

The evolutionary twist that could have helped dinosaurs rule the Earth | CNN

Editor’s note: A version of this story appeared in CNN’s science newsletter Wonder Theory. To receive it in your inbox, Register for free here. CNN — Dinosaur means ‘terrible lizard’. The idea that the prehistoric creatures were scaly, sluggish reptiles with sprawling postures that dragged their tails through tropical swamps is deeply imprinted in the … Read more

Why we’re one step closer to understanding how Earth got its oceans (opinion)

photo showing earth against the blackness of space

Space enthusiasts will know: it’s easy to get caught up in a wealth of fascinating developments, from missions to the lunar surface to new discoveries in exoplanet science. But what really excites me as an astronomer right now is a largely overlooked development here on Earth that could have profound implications for how we explore … Read more

Research shows that the earliest sea creatures on Earth powered evolution by stirring the water

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Graphic abstract. Credit: Current biology (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.059 × close to Graphic abstract. Credit: Current biology (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.059 A study involving the University of Cambridge has used virtual reproductions of the earliest animal ecosystems, known as marine animal forests, … Read more