New model aims to explain the lack of miniature black holes in the early universe

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! The study shows how large amplitude fluctuations generated on small scales can amplify large-scale fluctuations observed in the cosmic microwave background. Credit: ESA/Planck Collaboration 2024, edited by Jason Kristiano CC-BY-ND × close to The study shows how large amplitude fluctuations … Read more

New ‘atlas’ offers unprecedented insights into how genes function in early embryo development

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! This gallery shows a collection of embryos after genes were blocked one by one. The different outcomes (or observed characteristics) for each embryo reflect the specific functions of the genes tested. Credit: Rebecca Green, Oegema Lab, UC San Diego × … Read more

Galaxies actively forming in the early universe feed on cold gas

Researchers analyzing data from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have identified three galaxies that may have been actively forming when the universe was just 400 to 600 million years old. Webb’s data shows that these galaxies are surrounded by gas that the researchers suspect is composed almost exclusively of hydrogen and helium, the earliest elements … Read more

Playing Hades 2 in Early Access is the best way to experience Supergiant’s evolving roguelike

Hades 2

As with all Early Access games, Hades 2 comes with a dilemma: do you play now, knowing it’s not quite finished yet, or do you wait for the release of 1.0, whenever that may be? Fortunately, the decision for Hades 2 is easier to defend than most. You should absolutely play it now, and not … Read more

Hades 2’s first Early Access patch makes sprinting faster and gathering easier – IGN

Since Hades II launched in Early Access just over a week ago, developer Supergiant Games has been collecting feedback from players. Now, some of that feedback has been used in the game’s first patch, and more tweaks are in the pipeline. Today, Supergiant Games released the first Early Access patch for Hades II, which includes … Read more

Did Neuralink ignore the risk of an early trial? Problems with brain implants plagued lab before human case

Olga Loiek

Neuralink’s first human implant hit a problem last week, with reports suggesting tiny wires crucial to detecting brain signals became loose. Sources familiar with the matter revealed that this problem has been known to Elon Musk’s company for years. Three sources familiar with the testing claim that animal tests conducted before last year’s US approval … Read more