New remedy for sexual dysfunction found, thanks to the vibratory nerve of the genitals

A recent study found that specific nerve cells known as Krause corpuscles, located on the penis and clitoris, play a crucial role in sexual behavior. A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School found that these cells detect vibrations and trigger responses such as erections and vaginal contractions. This discovery could pave the way for … Read more

Sexual dysfunction warning to millions taking antidepressants

Patients taking antidepressants are being warned to be wary of side effects that could leave them ‘asexual’ even after stopping – a problem that could affect millions of Brits. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the most common class of antidepressants in Britain, are used by one in eight Brits (8.6 million in total) dealing with … Read more