Staff! My secret crush has been discovered and he’s threatening to call the police.

Dear Prudence, For a long time I thought it was an innocent crush on a friend of mine (Jordan), but now another friend (Alex) has told Jordan and Jordan is threatening me with a restraining order. I’m furious that I told Alex about my crush and that Alex betrayed my trust. I admit that some … Read more

22-pound small great ape species discovered, Germany debugs old idea

Scientists discovered this earlier Danuvius guggenmosi, an extinct genus of great apes, lived 11.6 million years ago in southern Germany during the Middle-Late Miocene. This species was believed to be the only member of the genus Danuvius. However, researchers have recently discovered the existence of a second species of great apes from the same stratigraphic … Read more

The largest genome ever discovered is from a simple fern | CNN

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. CNN — You wouldn’t know it to look at it, but some plants have much more DNA than others. And perhaps even more mind-boggling, some have far more than most animals – including humans. Now … Read more

Unknown species discovered during deep-sea expedition

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! This transparent sea cucumber belongs to the Elpidiidae family and is called ‘unicummber’. You can clearly see his intestines and that he has eaten sediment. We can only guess what the long tail is for, but probably for swimming. Credit: SMARTEX/NHM/NOC × … Read more

Giant ‘invisible’ life forms have been discovered in the remote Arctic lurking on Greenland’s ice sheet – The Debrief


Scientists have made an unexpected discovery on Greenland’s Arctic ice cap. As the frozen environment awakens in spring after months spent in darkness each year, signs of life begin to return to Greenland’s icy landscape. Several large animals, including the region’s polar bears, arctic terns and musk oxen, begin to move as sunlight warms the … Read more

Giant viruses discovered on the Greenland ice sheet could reduce ice melting

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! The algae turns the ice black. When that happens, the ice reflects less sunlight and melts faster. Several areas in Greenland are covered in black algae. Credit: Laura Perini × close to The algae turns the ice black. When that … Read more

21 new laser materials discovered in groundbreaking global research


Using distributed self-driving laboratory technology, the University of Toronto Acceleration Consortium has rapidly identified 21 high-quality organic solid-state laser (OSL) materials, marking a significant advance in molecular optoelectronics and paving the way for future materials discoveries. (Artist concept). Credit: Six research teams from five global laboratories have significantly reduced the timeline for material discovery … Read more

New Earth-sized planet discovered orbiting a star that will live for 100 billion years


An international team discovered an Earth-sized planet orbiting a long-lived red dwarf, providing unique insights into potentially habitable worlds. Credit: Researchers using global robotic telescopes have discovered an Earth-sized planet, SPECULOOS-3 b, orbiting an ultracool red dwarf. Milky Way. This planet, which is confined and likely has no atmosphere due to its intense radiation, … Read more

‘While shopping in B&M we discovered we were lottery millionaires’

Get the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters around the world Sign up for our free Morning Headlines email A couple who scooped a £1million lottery win will continue to work as police officers – after they were told they won the “life-changing” windfall while shopping in B&M. Graeme White, 35, and … Read more