Autism can be reversed, scientists discover

Scientists have discovered that severe autism can be reversed and symptoms can be reduced to a level where they are no longer distinguishable. Two non-identical twin girls in the US were diagnosed at 20 months of age with a level of autism requiring “very substantial support.” In a groundbreaking study, their parents worked with a … Read more

Scientists Weighed a Neutron Star to Discover the Strange Physics Inside

Neutron stars are among the most extreme objects in the universe. Formed from the collapsed cores of supergiant stars, they weigh more than our sun and yet are compressed into a sphere the size of a city. The dense cores of these exotic stars contain matter compressed into unique states that are impossible for us … Read more

Theoretical physicists discover that the Higgs boson does not appear to contain harbingers of new physics

The Higgs boson (blue) can be created by the interaction of gluons (yellow) during proton collisions. Protons consist of two up quarks (red) and one down quark (purple), so strongly bound by gluons that in the sea of ​​virtual particles (gray) heavier quarks and antiquarks, for example beautiful quarks, can appear, whose presence also influences … Read more

Astronomers discover dozens of double-aligned white dwarf binaries

The detection efficiency for a double-line DWD where the two stars have similar flux contributions. Credit: arXiv (2024). DOI number: 10.48550/arxiv.2407.02594 An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of 34 rare double-lined white dwarf binary systems using the Intermediate-dispersion Spectrograph and Imaging System (ISIS) on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT). The finding was detailed … Read more

Astronomers discover mysterious black hole in star cluster

The Omega Centauri star cluster contains millions of stars. The motion of some of the stars suggests that there is a medium-sized black hole at its center. NASA/ESA/STScI/AURA hide caption switch caption NASA/ESA/STScI/AURA Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have found evidence for the existence of an elusive type of black hole, about 8,000 times … Read more

Researchers discover a new form of scientific fraud: revealing ‘hidden references’

Source: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A researcher working alone, disconnected from the world and the wider scientific community, is a classic but misleading image. In reality, research is based on continuous exchange within the scientific community: first you understand the work of others, then you share your findings. Reading and writing articles published in scientific journals … Read more

Testers discover touchscreen UI in tvOS beta, signs point to a touchscreen HomePod

Enlarge / A screenshot of tvOS 17. Recent beta builds contain evidence that Apple is working on a touchscreen-ready version of the interface. Andrew Cunningham Apple’s tvOS betas are usually among the least interesting. The Apple TV operating system has changed so little in the past decade that the most interesting development in recent memory … Read more

Biologists discover restored oyster sanctuaries harbor more marine life despite parasites

A restored oyster reef in a sanctuary in the James River, Maryland. Credit: Fisheries Conservation Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center In the campaign to restore the Chesapeake Bay, oyster sanctuaries are among the most controversial strategies. But new research suggests these no-harvest zones are working, and not just for the oysters. In a new study … Read more

Scientists discover life needed only a tiny amount of oxygen to explode

It has long been thought that a monumental increase in oxygen fueled the Cambrian explosion about 540 million years agobreathing life into the Earth’s biosphere to generate a rich diversity of astonishingly complex animal species. Whether oxygen really played such a crucial role is hotly disputed, however, with other factors possibly playing a role. ignite … Read more

Scientists discover way to ‘grow’ subnanometer-sized transistors

This figure shows the synthesis of metallic 1D mirror twin boundaries via Van der Waals epitaxial growth (top) and the large 2D semiconductor integrated circuit constructed from these boundaries (bottom). By controlling the crystal structure of molybdenum disulfide at the atomic level using Van der Waals epitaxial growth, metallic 1D mirror twin boundaries were freely … Read more