Historian warns America could face destruction because of controversial policies both Biden and Trump have supported

Harvard history professor Niall Ferguson warns the US is facing the same decline in dominance that came before Spain, France and Britain

America’s status as the world’s greatest power will end for the same reason its predecessors did: crushed by a mountain of debt that politicians can easily ignore, historians warn. And the United States’ century at the top could come to an end sooner than expected, with countries in Asia increasingly likely to pull the plug. … Read more

The world’s top banks are ‘greening their role in the destruction of the Amazon’

Five of the world’s largest banks are greenwashing their role in the destruction of the Amazon, according to a report indicating that their environmental and social guidelines are failing to cover more than 70% of the rainforest. The institutions are said to have provided billions of dollars in financing to oil and gas companies involved … Read more