We boarded Ryanair’s ‘flight to Barcelona’… but woke up 1,300 miles away in LITHUANIA: Amputee and his wife describe ‘incredible’ confusion at Bristol airport before embarking on mammoth two-day trek to Spain

A married couple set off to fly to Spain on holiday only to wake up to an airport blunder ending up 1,300 miles from their destination. Andrew Gore and his wife Victoria were due to spend a week on the Costa Brava with friends and family to celebrate his 47th birthday. They had booked Ryanair … Read more

Researchers describe spin-boson systems to configure quantum devices

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! A spin (blue ball with arrow) interacts with the surrounding bosons described by non-Gaussian states – a new computational method to accurately describe what happens in quantum devices. Credit: Jiří Minář × close to A spin (blue ball with arrow) … Read more