The council boss explains why ‘thousands’ of bins in Denbighshire are not being emptied

Denbighshire’s chief executive has admitted the council ‘underestimated’ the time bins and recycling rounds would take after ‘thousands’ of collections were missed in the past two weeks. Chief executive Graham Boase has now apologized to residents on behalf of the council and said the authority is doing everything it can to ensure bins are emptied. … Read more

‘Shame’, ‘mess’: Readers slam new Denbighshire waste collection system

The council’s new Trolibocs system, which collects paper, plastic, metal, food cartons and glass, was introduced nationwide on June 3. Residents are now required to separate their ‘dry’ recycling using a three-tier ‘Trolibocs’ service, which has been delivered to households since February. The council expects residents to separate items themselves to help reduce costs, with … Read more