PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant – yes, let’s go back to the title – is described in the first sentence of its Steam bio as a “fun” game. I have suspicions about cozy or cozy games, as they are increasingly portrayed as some kind of antidepressant in the face of a darkening world, but that’s okay because the remaining seventeen words in the sentence are: ‘Operate your planetary defense cannon to defend the world. of an interplanetary invasion from the comfort of your home [cozy] bunker.”
China plans to deflect an asteroid by 2030 to demonstrate Earth defense capabilities
China is planning its first mission to hit an asteroid in the name of planetary defense. The mission will serve a dual purpose: one craft will hit the asteroid while its partner observes the space rock to learn more about the solar system and its formation. The China National Space Administration (CNSA) mission may have … Read more