Why panpsychism (everything is conscious) is gaining ground

On Monday, we watched an evolutionary biologist from Cornell University argue — with Cornell’s apparent support — that the goldenrod plant is intelligent. This points to the rise of panpsychism (everything is conscious*) in mainstream science. The current drift toward panpsychism was probably inevitable. A few other recent science news stories provide some background. Dr. … Read more

I am a scientist and I believed that plants are CONSCIOUS

Plants have been observed interacting with the environment in ways that scientists claim are conscious. Paco Calvo, a professor at the University of Murcia in Spain, has been researching plant intelligence and problem solving for years. He found that the mimosa “seems to learn from experience” when it stops folding. “In psychology that is the … Read more

I am a scientist who believes that plants are CONSCIOUS. Here are signs that prove they have intelligence

Mimosas can also

Plants have been observed interacting with the environment in ways that scientists claim are conscious. Paco Calvo, a professor at the University of Murcia in Spain, has been researching plant intelligence and problem solving for years. He found that the mimosa “seems to learn from experience” when it stops folding. “In psychology that is the … Read more