Scientists reconstruct collapsed Antarctic glaciers using 1960s aerial photographs

A series of overlapping aerial photographs depicts a snowy mountain range with rugged peaks and valleys. The images, positioned in a slight arc, showcase a vast expanse of snow, ice, and rock, suggesting a remote and cold landscape.

Antarctica’s Larsen Ice Shelf has been breaking up for decades, but the 2002 Larsen B collapse was particularly dramatic. After being stable for at least 10,000 years, a large section of the shelf broke apart, with repercussions felt across the planet. The widespread changes in Antarctica have been extensively studied and published, but contextualizing and … Read more

Work is underway to restart the collapsed controversial large-scale development

Work on a controversial harborside housing project, which came to a standstill when the company behind the plan dramatically went bankrupt, is to be restarted. At the end of January, work on the controversial North Quay Regeneration housing project in Hayle was halted after all the companies involved went bankrupt, leaving more than £135 million … Read more