Can’t stop, won’t stop: Solar Orbiter shows that the sun continues

Solar Orbiter

Science and exploration 18/06/2024 1195 views 16 holds The hyperactive sunspot region responsible for the beautiful aurorae earlier in May was still very much alive as it moved out of Earth’s field of view. Looking from the far side of the sun, the ESA-led Solar Orbiter mission discovered the same region that produced the largest … Read more

US radio disruptions as historic sunspot fires a ‘remarkable’ X-flare

solar flare nasa

A powerful solar flare has spewed from the same sunspot that produced the spectacular Northern Lights displays on May 10. The May 29 solar flare was measured as a class X1.4 eruption, one of the most powerful types of solar flares, and caused radio blackouts in the US and Western Europe. The sunspot that caused … Read more