Why Do You Keep Your House So Cold? Research Suggests Your Childhood Temperature May Predict Your Adult Child’s Thermostat Settings

Source: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Childhood temperatures and community connectedness can help predict how U.S. residents set their thermostats, offering new ways to promote energy conservation and combat climate change, according to a study published July 3 in the journal PLOS Climate by Dritjon Gruda of the National University of Ireland Maynooth and Paul Hanges of … Read more

Why did someone leave a child’s jumpsuit and swimming goggles outside a house?

Get ready for your next ‘true crime’ podcast bingeā€¦ (Photo: Alexander Tengner) On a cold December evening in 2009, a woman named Kristina returned home after a weekend away from her boyfriend. Fluttering in the wind on her veranda deep in rural Sweden, she discovered the strangest thing: a small three-piece navy blue corduroy suit. … Read more