Scientists freeze microscope to reveal precise shape of ice, a first

For the first time, researchers from Kobe University led by ONISHI Hiroshi observed the precise shape of ice at the ice-liquid interface. Due to the complexity of the task, researchers used creative solutions to observe this phenomenon, such as using antifreeze and cooling the microscope system in a cool box to make accurate measurements. They … Read more

A missing link in the timeline of Earth’s chemistry may have been found

Two planets, the left one with pinkish hues, connected by a jagged line like a heart rate monitor to the right planet, earth. A small moon hangs top left of earth, between the planets.

A missing piece of Earth’s evolutionary timeline may have been found. Using computational models, a team of scientists explored how working back into modern biochemistry could help map out how simple, non-living chemicals were present on early Soil gave rise to complex molecules that led to the origin of life as we know it. Researchers … Read more

Scientists discover a billion-year epic written about the chemistry of life

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Metabolism is the ‘beating heart of the cell’. New research from ELSI traces the history of metabolism from primordial Earth to modern times (from left to right). The history of compound discovery over time (white line) is cyclical and almost … Read more