Groundbreaking CERN experiments give physicists unprecedented new insights into the mysteries of the universe – The Debrief


Major recent developments, driven by support from CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, are providing deeper insights into the fundamental nature of our universe. The ongoing experiments at CERN are aimed at exploring the smallest building blocks of matter and the forces that govern them. By revealing the dynamics of these forces, scientists can … Read more

CERN ATLAS experiment releases 65 TB of open data for research

Open Data at the ATLAS Experiment. Credit: ATLAS Collaboration/CERN The ATLAS Experiment at CERN has made two years of scientific data available to the public for research purposes. The data include recordings of proton-proton collisions from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a collision energy of 13 TeV. This is the first time ATLAS has … Read more

Milestone achieved in unraveling the fundamental forces of the universe at the Large Hadron Collider


Building on their extensive involvement at CERN, the University of Rochester team recently achieved “incredibly precise” measurements of the electroweak mixing angle, a key component of the Standard Model of particle physics. Credit: Samuel Joseph Hertzog; Julien Marius Ordan Researchers from the University of Rochester, working with the CMS Collaboration at CERNhave made significant progress … Read more

CERN experiment reveals “spooky action at a distance” persists between top quarks – The Debrief

top quarks

Quantum entanglement in top quarks has been demonstrated, according to CERN physicists who say the discovery provides new insights into the behavior of fundamental particles and their interactions at distances that cannot be reached by light-speed communications. The research, led by Professor Regina Demina of the University of Rochester, extends the phenomenon known as ‘spooky … Read more

Faster than the speed of light: information transfer through ‘spooky action at a distance’ at the Large Hadron Collider


The inside of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Rochester physicists working on the detector have observed that the spin entanglement between top quarks and top antiquarks persists at long distances and high speeds. Credit: CERN Researchers have confirmed that quantum entanglement persists between top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental … Read more