Climate change is causing tropical rains to shift north, computer modeling suggests

Source: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A study led by a UC Riverside atmospheric scientist predicts that uncontrolled carbon emissions will cause tropical rainstorms to move north in the coming decades. This would have a major impact on agriculture and economies in the equatorial areas. The northward rainfall shift would be caused by complex changes in the … Read more

Mobile networks are being swamped by tourists and causing ’embarrassing’ problems for North Wales

New figures have revealed the boosting effect of tourism on the North Wales economy as the sector heads into its peak season. But companies may struggle to take advantage of the boom due to the limited capacity of mobile signal networks, according to a taxi driver who is sometimes unable to take payments from customers. … Read more

Drunk mum crashes into Tesco store causing thousands of pounds of damage

A drunk mum crashed into a Tesco store causing tens of thousands of pounds of damage. A court heard that as Emma Poingdestre got out of her car, she was assaulted by a woman pushing a pram. Poingdestre was almost three times over the limit when she got behind the wheel and went shopping. The … Read more

Recent solar outbursts are causing dramatic auroras on Mars

A recent solar eruption sent a powerful blast of charged particles and radiation toward Mars, giving scientists a rare glimpse of how these events unfold on planets other than Earth. Sonos’ very first headphones are too expensive for what they offer NASA’s Curiosity rover captured the aftermath of a solar storm on the surface of … Read more

‘It’s causing loss of sleep’: British Gas sends out bills showing a 1,000% price increase

aLison Woods lives frugally alone in a two-bedroom flat, but as far as British Gas is concerned she uses enough energy to fuel a cannabis farm. The estimated quarterly bill figures received in March were 1,000% higher than the same period last year. Ofgem estimates the cost was almost £2,000 more than the average household … Read more

Earth’s changing, irregular magnetic field is causing headaches for polar navigation

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Changes in Earth’s global magnetic field over six months in 2014, measured by the European Space Agency’s three-satellite swarm constellation. The left map shows the average magnetic field and the right shows changes in magnetic field strength over that period. Credit: European … Read more

Ocean water flows for miles under the ‘Doomsday Glacier’, potentially causing serious consequences for sea level rise

A view of the tidal motion at Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, recorded by Finland’s ICEYE commercial satellite mission, based on images acquired on May 11, 12 and 13, 2023. - Eric Rignot/UC Irvine

Ocean water is pushing miles beneath Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier,” making it more vulnerable to melting than previously thought, according to new research that used radar data from space to create an X-ray of the crucial glacier. As the salty, relatively warm ocean water meets the ice, it causes a “powerful melt” under the glacier and … Read more

Ocean water flows for miles under the ‘Doomsday Glacier’, potentially causing serious consequences for sea level rise | CNN

CNN — Ocean water is pushing miles beneath Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier,” making it more vulnerable to melting than previously thought, according to new research that used radar data from space to create an X-ray of the crucial glacier. When the salty, relatively warm ocean water meets the ice, it causes a “powerful melt” under the … Read more