Carbon catastrophe: Scientists shed new light on ancient apocalypse that hit the entire planet


A quarry with bands of layered limestone from the ancient seabed in what is now Mercato San Severino, Italy. Credit: Mariano Remírez, George Mason University Approximately 183 million years ago, during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE), volcanic eruptions in what is now South Africa released approximately 20,500 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the … Read more

Game-Changer for Global Warming: Plants Release Carbon Earlier Than Expected


A new study reveals that the carbon stored by plants worldwide is more volatile and vulnerable to the effects of climate change than previously thought. The research, led by Dr. Heather Graven, from Imperial College London, shows that current climate models significantly underestimate how much CO2 is absorbed by vegetation each year and overestimate its … Read more