The real treasure wasn’t gold: Surprising discovery reveals secrets of ancient Greek shipwreck


Kyrenia ship hull during excavations. Kyrenia ship hull on the seabed off the coast of Northern Cyprus during underwater excavations in the late 1960s. Credit: Image provided to authors by the Kyrenia Ship Excavation team for use with this article, CC-BY 4.0 Cornell researchers have refined the estimated sinking period of the Kyrenia shipwreck to … Read more

Cosmic rays shed new light on 7,000-year-old ancient Greek settlement


Researchers from the University of Bern have successfully dated a prehistoric agricultural settlement in northern Greece to between 5328 and 5140 BC, using dendrochronology and a significant radiocarbon spike in 5259 BC, from a cosmic event known as a Miyake event. This breakthrough provides an accurate chronological reference for other archaeological sites in southeastern Europe … Read more