The last major act of galactic cannibalism in the Milky Way was surprisingly recent

A bright white disk with an orange sphere at its center against a dark background and surrounded by white smoke

New findings from the Gaia Space Telescope indicate that the Milky Way cosmically cannibalized a small galaxy not so long ago. In fact, the last major collision between our galaxy and another galaxy appears to have occurred billions years later than previously suspected. It has long been believed that the Milky Way grew through a … Read more

Research shows that there is widespread ‘cell cannibalism’ and related phenomena in the tree of life

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! In addition to competing for resources, living cells actively kill and eat each other. New explorations of these ‘cell-within-cell’ phenomena show that they are not limited to cancer cells, but are a common facet of living organisms throughout the tree … Read more