Revolutionary tool reveals hidden brain cell functions – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers developed ConVERGD, a tool for precise manipulation of specific cell subpopulations, improving research into cellular diversity. The study demonstrated the utility of ConVERGD by identifying a subpopulation of norepinephrine neurons associated with anxiety. This innovative approach could impact research and treatment in several areas. Key Facts: Precision tools: ConVERGD enables precise targeting and … Read more

How the brain distinguishes music from speech – Neuroscience News

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Resume: A new study shows how our brains distinguish between music and speech using simple acoustic parameters. Researchers found that slower, steady sounds are perceived as music, while faster, irregular sounds are perceived as speech. These insights could optimize therapeutic programs for language disorders such as aphasia. The research provides a deeper insight into auditory … Read more

The brain stores 10x more information than expected – Neuroscience news

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Resume: Researchers developed a method to measure synaptic strength, precision of plasticity and information storage in the brain. Using information theory, researchers discovered that synapses can store ten times more information than previously thought. The findings advance the understanding of learning, memory and how these processes evolve or deteriorate. This breakthrough could stimulate research into … Read more

Family of baggage handler who suffered brain damage is taking legal action

Jasbir Sahota suffered debilitating injuries after the incident in February The family are now demanding that Menzies pay for specialist treatment costing around £300,000 The family of a Heathrow baggage handler who suffered brain damage after her scarf became stuck in machinery and dragged along a conveyor belt are taking legal action against her employers. … Read more

Heathrow worker was sucked into baggage locker and left with brain damage

Ms Sahota’s two children, Nina Haer and Harman Sahota, and her brother-in-law Satti Heir, say they have no choice but to take legal action against the company. Lawyers acting on behalf of the family have now launched a case against Menzies in an attempt to force the multinational to pay the costs of Ms Sahota’s … Read more

Upgrading brain storage: Quantifying how much information our synapses can hold

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Two neurons, one fully (left, light purple) and one partially out of view (right, light blue) superimposed on a background of zeros and ones to symbolize the unit of bits used to quantify information storage in synapses. The neuron on the left … Read more

Key brain differences identified in autistic boys and girls – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers found significant sex-specific differences in brain development between autistic boys and girls aged 2 to 13. The study found that autistic girls have a thicker cortex at age 3 and faster cortical thinning in middle age compared to boys. This research highlights the need for more inclusive studies to fully understand autism. Biological … Read more

New 3D map mapped with Google AI reveals ‘mysterious but beautiful’ piece of human brain

Colorful, rainbow colored rendering of thousands of neurons from a brain sample that have been assembled in a map

Researchers have mapped a tiny slice of the human brain on an unprecedented scale, vividly visualizing every brain cell, or neuron, and the intricate networks they form with other cells. The groundbreaking brain map, created by researchers at Harvard and Google, reveals about 57,000 neurons, 230 millimeters of blood vessels and 150 million synapses, or … Read more

Neuralink knew that a brain implant would not work properly in the first human patient

Elon Musk’s Neuralink knew its brain implant was unlikely to function properly in its first human patient, but went ahead with the surgery anyway, a new report claims. In January, the company implanted a brain chip in its first patient, Noland Arbaugh, who is paralyzed from the shoulders down following a 2016 diving accident. But … Read more

Brain circuitry for color perception identified – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers have identified the specific brain circuits in fruit flies responsible for color vision. These neurons in the optic lobe respond selectively to different hues, including those perceived by humans as violet and ultraviolet. This groundbreaking discovery provides insight into how brains transform raw sensory signals into meaningful perceptions and could help us better … Read more