Scientists may have finally figured out where paranoia lives in the brain

Often dismissed as an irrational or exaggerated sense of worry, paranoia extends from a very rational ability to keep our wits about us in a chaotic environment. If we can adapt quickly, we can stay alive when circumstances do change. At the extreme, however, delusions in the evil intentions of others can be socially isolating, … Read more

The complexity of the human brain borders on chaos, physicists say

The human brain does Said to be the most complex object in the known universe. Are 89 billion neurons each has an average of about 7,000 connections, and the physical structure of all these entities may be teetering dangerously on a razor’s edge, according to a new study. Two physicists from Northwestern University in the … Read more

Mindmapper: MIT’s new technology shows entire hemispheres of the brain in 3D detail

With more than 100 billion neurons and 200 billion cells, “the human brain,” Professor Kwanghun Chung explained to Interesting technique, “is one of the most complex systems in the universe.” With each subsequent development in thinking, the brain becomes more and more complex. Each neuron forms tens of thousands of unique functional connections with other … Read more

Study links brain region to paranoia – Neuroscience News

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Resume: Researchers found that a specific brain region, the mediodorsal thalamus, can cause feelings of paranoia. Aligning data from studies in monkeys and humans, they found that lesions in this brain region led to erratic behavior and increased perception of the volatility of the environment. The study provides a new framework for understanding human cognition … Read more

Amazing new technique shows changes in Alzheimer’s brain at every level at once

Researchers will no longer have to choose between studying a single human brain as a patchwork of fragmented images or a distant, pixelated representation of large structures. A new imaging platform developed by a US team instead seamlessly combines the finer details of brain cells, their connections and contents, with brain-wide maps of entire networks … Read more

Hey journalists: Not every Elon Musk Brain Fart warrants an entire news cycle

of the sound-and-fury,-means-nothing dept So on Monday you probably saw Apple announce that it would more closely integrate “AI” into its mobile operating system, both through a suite of AI-powered tools called Apple Intelligence, and tighter AI integration with its Siri voice assistant. It’s not that big of a deal and (hopefully) reflects Apple’s more … Read more

Brain structures near phase transition between species – Neuroscience News

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Resume: New research shows that brain structures in humans, mice and fruit flies are near a phase transition, suggesting a universal principle. The study found that brain cells exhibit fractal patterns, indicating criticality. This discovery could improve computational models of brain complexity. The findings highlight a new dimension in understanding brain dynamics and structure. Key … Read more

The world’s first ‘living computer’ made from human BRAIN

There is a lot of fear that robots will replace humans. But maybe it should be the machines that worry about us. Swedish scientists have created the world’s first ‘living computer’ made from human brain tissue. It consists of 16 organoids, or clumps of brain cells grown in a laboratory, that transmit information to each … Read more

Portable scanner maps children’s brain activity – Neuroscience news

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Resume: Researchers used a portable MEG scanner to map brain activity in young children, providing new insights into brain development and conditions such as autism. The lightweight, customizable helmet with quantum technology enables high-quality, motion-friendly scanning. This breakthrough makes it possible to study crucial developmental milestones and brain functions from a very young age. Key … Read more