Black hole singularities defy physics. New research could finally eliminate them.

An artist

Black holes are among the most mysterious objects in the universe, capable of warping the fabric of space around them so violently that not even light can escape their gravity. But it turns out that much of what scientists know about these mysterious objects may be wrong. This is evident from new research published in … Read more

First evidence that ‘dive zones’ exist around black holes in space

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication proofread OK! A black hole that pulls material from a companion star to itself, forming a disk that orbits the black hole before falling into it. Credit: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss. × close to A black hole that pulls material from a companion star to itself, … Read more

Do stars disappear into their own black holes? A bizarre binary system says ‘yes’

a spotted blue star shines bright, emanating its light across space as a small black sphere in its lower right corner intrudes on its reality.

Scientists have found strong evidence that some massive stars end their existence with a whimper, not a bang, and sink into one black hole of their own making without the light and fury of one supernova. To understand why this is important, we need to start with a crash course in stellar evolution. Stars generate … Read more

The rotation speed of black holes revealed in new research into swirling space-time

An artist

The ‘wobbly’ remains of a star that died a gruesome death in the maw of a supermassive black hole have helped reveal the speed at which its cosmic predator spins. Supermassive black holes are believed to form from successive mergers of smaller black holes, each of which brings with it an angular momentum that accelerates … Read more

Elon Musk Calls Microsoft’s Controversial AI Recall a “Black Mirror Episode,” but NPUs Protect Your Privacy on Copilot+ PCs

Windows Recall

Having covered multiple Microsoft events in the past, this week’s special press event revealed where the company will unveil its new line of Surface hardware powered by Qualcomm’s cutting-edge Snapdragon “) was by far the best I’ve seen yet. And while we didn’t get the beloved Windows Phone back or a Surface themed variantI’m glad … Read more

Astronomers observe the reorientation of jets in ‘Death Star’ black holes

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. from Bologna/F. Ubertosi; Deployment radio: NSF/NRAO/VLBA; Image processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/N. Cloud × close to Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ. from Bologna/F. Ubertosi; Deployment radio: NSF/NRAO/VLBA; Image processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/N. Cloud Huge black holes shoot powerful particles into space – and then … Read more

Groundbreaking measurement reveals a black hole spinning at a quarter of the speed of light

A team of astronomers has managed to remotely calculate the speed of rotation of a supermassive black hole thanks to the object’s chance encounter with a star, which instantly destroyed it. How will time travel change Perry in Outer Range Season 2? All black holes have spin, which they develop through their interactions with other … Read more

Using wobbly stellar material, astronomers are measuring the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Credit: CC0 Public domain × close to Credit: CC0 Public domain Astronomers from MIT, NASA and elsewhere have found a new way to measure how fast a black hole is spinning, using the wobbly aftermath of the star party. The … Read more

Again, Einstein! Scientists discover where matter ‘falls’ into black holes

A black ball in the center of the screen looks to be falling into a warped spacetime diagram.

Scientists have confirmed for the first time that the fabric of spacetime takes a “final plunge” at the edge of a black hole. The observation of this crashing region around black holes was made by astrophysicists at Oxford University Physics, and helps validate a key prediction of Albert Einstein’s 1915 theory of gravity: general relativity. … Read more