Gene editing strikes oil: High-efficiency Camelina revolutionizes biofuels


Artist’s rendering of the effect of editing all six copies of the TT8 gene in Camelina sativa. Seeds with inactivated TT8 genes (right) show a yellow color, reduced thickness of their seed coat and an accumulation of almost 22% more oil than wild seeds (left). Credit: Valerie Lentz/Brookhaven National Laboratory Scientists have increased oil production … Read more

Deciphering the origins of life with lost biochemical clues


Metabolism is the “beating heart of the cell”. New research from ELSI traces the history of metabolism from primordial Earth to modern times (from left to right). The history of compound discovery over time (white line) is cyclical and almost resembles an ECG. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Francis Reddy/NASA/ESA A new study shows that … Read more