Joe Biden says he made ‘mistake’ in debate as he fights to save his candidacy

Receive the US Election Countdown newsletter for free The stories that matter about money and politics in the race for the White House Joe Biden has said he made a mistake during his debate with Donald Trump, but has insisted he is continuing his re-election campaign despite mounting pressure to step aside. “I had a … Read more

Week ahead: Round one for Biden versus Trump and the early elections in France

This article is a local version of our The Week Ahead newsletter. Subscribers can sign up here to receive the newsletter every Sunday. Discover all our newsletters here Hello and welcome to the work week. Ding ding. Take your chances for the first debate of the US presidential election on Thursday – although with President … Read more

Historian warns America could face destruction because of controversial policies both Biden and Trump have supported

Harvard history professor Niall Ferguson warns the US is facing the same decline in dominance that came before Spain, France and Britain

America’s status as the world’s greatest power will end for the same reason its predecessors did: crushed by a mountain of debt that politicians can easily ignore, historians warn. And the United States’ century at the top could come to an end sooner than expected, with countries in Asia increasingly likely to pull the plug. … Read more

Biden bans Kaspersky: no more sales, updates in the US

The Biden administration today banned the sale of Kaspersky Lab products and services in the United States and declared the Russian sector a national security risk. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo announced the crackdown today during a call with reporters. “Russia has shown that it has the capacity – and even more than that, the intention … Read more

Joe Biden is willing to reopen US oil supplies if gasoline prices rise again

Unlock the US Election Countdown newsletter for free The stories that matter about money and politics in the race for the White House The Biden administration is ready to release more oil from its strategic stockpile to stem any rise in gasoline prices this summer, as the White House battles to contain inflation ahead of … Read more

Biden has risked his credibility with the Gaza plan

Unlock the US Election Countdown newsletter for free The stories that matter about money and politics in the race for the White House The writer is author of ‘Black Wave’, distinguished fellow at Columbia University’s Institute of Global Politics and a contributing editor to FT During his visit to Israel after the October 7 Hamas … Read more

Bill Gross says Trump would be worse for bond markets than Biden

Unlock the US Election Countdown newsletter for free The stories that matter about money and politics in the race for the White House A Donald Trump victory in the US presidential election would be more “bearish” and “disruptive” for bond markets than Joe Biden’s re-election, according to longtime fixed income investor Bill Gross. Trump’s return … Read more