‘Traffic jams’ around Uranus could solve mystery of faint radiation belts

A purple sphere surrounded by alternating white and blue bands and an oter white band against a black background

Scientists may have solved a long-standing mystery surrounding the ice giant Uranus and its faint radiation belts. It’s possible that the belts’ faintness is related to the planet’s oddly tilted and lopsided magnetic field, which could be causing “traffic jams” for particles racing across the world. The mystery dates back to Voyager 2’s visit to … Read more

Pubs are disappearing faster than expected as drinkers tighten their belts

The number of pubs disappearing from communities in England and Wales has risen by a third in the first months of 2024 amid pressure on punters’ budgets, figures show. Official government statistics show that 239 pubs were demolished or converted to other uses in the three months to March 31. It means around 80 pubs … Read more