Jupiter’s upper atmosphere surprises astronomers

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! New observations of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot have revealed that the planet’s atmosphere above and around the infamous storm is surprisingly interesting and active. This image shows the area observed by Webb: first the location on a NIRCam image of … Read more

Jupiter’s upper atmosphere surprises astronomers

Jupiter’s atmosphere around the Great Red Spot (NIRCam and NIRSpec)

Science and exploration 25/06/2024 758 views 12 I like this Using NASA/ESA/CSA’s James Webb Space Telescope, scientists have observed the region above Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot and discovered a variety of previously unseen features. The region, previously thought to be unremarkable in nature, is home to a variety of intricate structures and activities. Jupiter’s … Read more

Earth’s upper atmosphere could hold a missing piece of the universe, new research shows

A green aurora rings part of the globe

The Earth may be swimming through an ocean of… dark matter – and waves in that invisible ocean lapping against our planet’s upper atmosphere could generate detectable radio waves that could finally help us find this elusive part of the universe, according to new theoretical research. A wealth of astrophysical and cosmological evidence points to … Read more

There is more carbon dioxide than ever in the atmosphere. That is bad for the climate

People walk through cooling misters in Las Vegas on June 4, 2024. Tens of millions of people from California to Texas experience intense heat. New data shows that the amount of planet-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached a new record. John Locher/AP hide caption change caption John Locher/AP The amount of planet-warming carbon … Read more

There is more carbon dioxide than ever in the atmosphere. That is bad for the climate

People walk through cooling misters in Las Vegas on June 4, 2024. Tens of millions of people from California to Texas experience intense heat. New data shows that the amount of planet-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached a new record. John Locher/AP hide caption change caption John Locher/AP The amount of planet-warming carbon … Read more

The carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere is rising

One of the most important drivers of the exceptional heat Building in Earth’s atmosphere has reached levels beyond anything humans have ever experienced, officials announced Thursday. Carbon dioxidethe gas that responsible for most of the global warming caused by human activities is accumulating “faster than ever,” scientists from NOAA, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and … Read more

The evil twin of Venus or the long lost brother of Earth? The intriguing case of Gliese 12 b


The discovery of Gliese 12 b, a planet similar to Venus and only 40 light-years away, offers new perspectives for understanding life-supporting conditions in the universe. This ‘evil twin’ receives significantly more radiation from its star than Earth, raising intriguing questions for future research with advanced telescopes. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Recent findings from a Venus-like planet, … Read more

‘Exo-Venus’ discovered: a potentially habitable world just 40 light-years from Earth


Gliese 12 b, which orbits a cool, red dwarf star just 40 light-years away, promises to tell astronomers more about how planets close to their stars retain or lose their atmospheres. In this artist’s concept, Gliese 12 b is depicted while maintaining a rarefied atmosphere. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Pain (Caltech-IPAC) Scientists have discovered Gliese 12 b, … Read more