Stellar fireworks: Hubble revisits the 40-year Nova mystery of a strange star


This artist’s concept shows the nova system HM Sagittae (HM Sge), where a white dwarf star is pulling material from its red giant companion. This forms a red-hot disk around the dwarf, which could unpredictably undergo a spontaneous thermonuclear explosion as the red giant’s hydrogen trap becomes denser and reaches a tipping point. These fireworks … Read more

Scientists adapt the astronomy method to blur microscopy images

Detecting anomalous wavefronts in fluorescence microscopy. Credit: Optics (2024). DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.518559 A team led by researchers at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus has adapted a class of techniques used in astronomy to defocus images of distant galaxies for use in the life sciences, giving biologists a faster and cheaper way to get clearer and sharper images. … Read more

Scientists adapt the astronomy method to blur microscopy images

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Detecting anomalous wavefronts in fluorescence microscopy. Credit: Optics (2024). DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.518559 × close to Detecting anomalous wavefronts in fluorescence microscopy. Credit: Optics (2024). DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.518559 A team led by researchers at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus has adapted a class of … Read more

Mysterious space object emitting radio signals every 54 minutes is confusing scientists – the debrief

radio signal

Astronomers have detected a peculiar radio signal originating from deep space that eludes current scientific knowledge. The signal, designated ASKAP J1935+2148, repeats every 53.8 minutes, making it the longest period ever recorded for such a phenomenon. Published in the magazine Nature AstronomyThe discovery, made using the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope, has … Read more

Mars: ‘impossible’ discovery of frost near the equator

This image shows Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano not only on Mars but in the entire solar system. … [+] The volcano has a diameter of about 600 kilometers. The image was captured in the early morning (07:20 local solar time, LST) by the high-resolution stereo camera on board ESA’s Mars Express, and included as … Read more

Dark matter decoded: how neutron stars could solve the universe’s greatest mystery


A recent study from the ARC Center of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics suggests that neutron stars could play a crucial role in understanding dark matter. The study found that when dark matter particles collide into neutron stars, they can quickly heat these stars, potentially making them observable with future astronomical technologies. This rapid … Read more

Webb is a supernova discovery machine: 10x more supernovas in the early universe


The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a remarkable number of distant supernovae, providing new insights into the structure and expansion of the early universe. This includes the detection of Type Ia supernovae at unprecedented distances, contributing to our understanding of cosmic distances and the expansion of the universe. Credit: NASA‘S James Webb Space … Read more

Mysterious ‘Phoenix’ world challenges theories of planetary evolution

Phoenix planet

Astronomers have discovered an unusual exoplanet that has managed to maintain its atmosphere despite intense nearby radiation from a giant red star. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that the rare planet, which should have been stripped to rock by radiation from its nearby host star, instead developed a puffy, less dense atmosphere. The planet, … Read more

Life Beyond Earth: Webb’s spectroscopic hunt for Earth-like planets


By means of Knicole Colón and Christopher Stark, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center June 9, 2024 NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope examines potentially habitable exoplanets in our Milky Way, focusing on small planets that could support life due to their location in the habitable zone. Detecting atmospheres, let alone biosignatures indicative of life, is extremely … Read more

Beyond Einstein: groundbreaking map of the universe redefines cosmic models


The DESI collaboration is conducting a groundbreaking experiment to understand the expansion and acceleration of the universe. Their work with the DESI instrument has allowed them to map the cosmos from its early stages to the present, challenging existing models of the universe. Initial findings suggest there may be more to discover about dark energy … Read more