I turned off my PC when the “do not turn off” icon appeared in five different games to see what would happen and boy was this an annoying experiment

We’ve all seen it. The small spinning symbol that warns players of impatient actions to disable. “Do not turn off your system when this symbol is displayed,” is the message you often see when starting up a game (or some other version of these words). The implication is clear. Saving is delicate and if you interrupt this invisible ritual, the data written to a folder deep in the bowels of your PC becomes corrupted, destroyed, exiled. You will lose all your progress, all your precious swords and achievements.

But is this true? How likely is it that you… Real suffer a catastrophic loss of shotgun shells? To find out, I decided to spend a very annoying afternoon turning my gaming rig off and on again during multiple games. Was this a good idea? Don’t know. I’m a gamer, not an ideas guy.

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Research shows that fresh water and the most important living conditions appeared on Earth half a billion years earlier than thought

Credit: A zircon crystal under the microscope. Hugo Olierrook/Curtin University For life to emerge on a planet, we need two ingredients: dry land and (fresh) water. Strictly speaking, the water does not have to be fresh, but fresh water can only occur on dry land. Only when these two conditions are met can you convert … Read more

Research shows that fresh water and the most important living conditions appeared on Earth half a billion years earlier than thought

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source written by researcher(s) proofread OK! Credit: A zircon crystal under the microscope. Hugo Olierrook/Curtin University × close to Credit: A zircon crystal under the microscope. Hugo Olierrook/Curtin University For life to emerge on a planet, we need two ingredients: dry land and … Read more