Ancient structures unearthed in Samoa offer clues to origins of inequality


Archaeological research in Samoa has uncovered ancient structures that highlight early social stratification and land management strategies, providing a deeper insight into Polynesian cultural development. Large mound found at Saoluafata, Samoa. Credit: University of Auckland A new study led by archaeologists at the University of Auckland may have revealed the origins of hierarchical society in … Read more

The real treasure wasn’t gold: Surprising discovery reveals secrets of ancient Greek shipwreck


Kyrenia ship hull during excavations. Kyrenia ship hull on the seabed off the coast of Northern Cyprus during underwater excavations in the late 1960s. Credit: Image provided to authors by the Kyrenia Ship Excavation team for use with this article, CC-BY 4.0 Cornell researchers have refined the estimated sinking period of the Kyrenia shipwreck to … Read more

New research unravels the origins of cumulative culture in human evolution


Oldowan core, Koobi Fora, Kenya (First period, below baselines). Credit: Curry, Michael. 2020. Oldowan core, Koobi Forums. Museum of Stone Tools. Retrieved June 10, 2024. From: Our modern culture and technology emerge from millennia of cultural knowledge that has been continually collected and reinterpreted. We are all the culmination of thousands of generations that … Read more

“Major” archaeological developments could help rewrite early human history

A researcher examining a Neanderthal hearth

An innovative technique used in a study of Neanderthal hearths – places where fires started – has been described by researchers as a ‘major’ development in archaeology, one that could help shed light on the behavior of prehistoric people. For a study published in the journal Naturean interdisciplinary team of researchers has discovered that a … Read more