Ancient crystals reveal earliest evidence of fresh water, scientists say | CNN

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. CNN — A new analysis of ancient crystal grains embedded in rocks from the Australian outback suggests that Earth had dry land and fresh water about 4 billion years ago – a time when scientists … Read more

Lost piece of Mars found on Earth reveals an ancient volcanic secret

An unexpected tool gives us new insight into the fine structure of Mars’ outer layers. Using meteorites that broke off from the red planet way back about 11 million years ago and were flung into space to eventually land on Earth, scientists have been able to study the way volcanism shaped Mars’ crust and mantle … Read more

Cultural and linguistic networks of Central African hunter-gatherers have ancient origins, research shows

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! BaYaka hunter-gatherers playing musical instruments and dancing. Credit: Rodolph Schlaepfer, University of Zurich × close to BaYaka hunter-gatherers playing musical instruments and dancing. Credit: Rodolph Schlaepfer, University of Zurich Extensive social networks among various hunter-gatherer groups in the Congo Basin … Read more

Cosmic rays shed new light on 7,000-year-old ancient Greek settlement


Researchers from the University of Bern have successfully dated a prehistoric agricultural settlement in northern Greece to between 5328 and 5140 BC, using dendrochronology and a significant radiocarbon spike in 5259 BC, from a cosmic event known as a Miyake event. This breakthrough provides an accurate chronological reference for other archaeological sites in southeastern Europe … Read more

Ancient DNA research reveals the population history of the Western Tibetan Plateau

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! The spatial and temporal distribution of Ngari samples involved in the study. Credit: IVPP × close to The spatial and temporal distribution of Ngari samples involved in the study. Credit: IVPP According to a study published in Current biology on … Read more

The Perseverance Rover’s Mars rock sample may contain the best evidence of possible ancient life

a close up of multi-colored rock against a background showing a reddish-orange dusty landscape littered with rocks

The chief scientist of NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover is excited about material stored in the rover’s sample tubes, dropped both on the surface of Mars and in the rover itself while orbiting Jezero Crater. Given the Martian samples Perseverance has collected so far, could one of those be what the rover was meant to look … Read more

Scientists discover ‘striking’ ancient arachnid with large spiny legs | CNN

Paul Selden/Museum für Naturkunde The newly discovered species has distinctive spiny legs. Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news about fascinating discoveries, scientific developments and more. CNN — The idea of ​​unexpectedly coming face to face with a spider-like creature is enough to horrify any arachnophobe, let alone encountering … Read more