A million-year-old skull found in China could be a ‘Dragon Man’

A mysterious ancient hominid skull found in China may have been the love child of two species, according to researchers. They believe the 900,000-year-old individual was a hybrid – part us, Homo sapien, and part Homo longi, a long-lost species known as the ‘Dragon Man’. The skull, dubbed ‘the Yunxian Man’ after the Yunyang district … Read more

Neutrons open window to explore space glass

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! A team of scientists from nine government, academia and industry institutions discovered that many types of glass have a similar atomic structure and can be successfully made in space. The image shows a space glass bead. Credit: Phoenix Pleasant/ORNL, U.S. … Read more

Parental distraction negatively impacts interactions between children and parents – Neuroscience News

Neuroscience News logo for mobile.

Resume: A new study shows that any form of parental distraction, whether from screens or non-digital activities, has a negative impact on parent-child interactions. Both digital and non-digital distractions reduced parental sensitivity and children’s engagement. This suggests that it is not the screens themselves, but rather the divided attention that hinders communication between parents and … Read more

Surviving the reentry is the main goal of SpaceX’s fourth Starship test flight

Enlarge / SpaceX’s fourth full-scale Starship rocket will undergo a refueling test on Monday. After three test flights, SpaceX has demonstrated that the world’s most powerful rocket can reach space. Now engineers must prove that the company’s next-generation Starship vehicle can make it home again. This will be the central objective for the fourth Starship … Read more

Scientists can grow new diamonds in 15 minutes thanks to a groundbreaking new process

a diamond

Scientists have used a new technique to synthesize diamonds at normal atmospheric pressure and without a starter gemstone, making the precious gemstones much easier to grow in the laboratory. Natural diamonds form in the Earth’s mantle, buried the molten zone hundreds of kilometers beneath the planet’s surface. The process occurs under enormous pressure of several … Read more

The same genetic mutations behind gorillas’ small penises can hinder fertility in men

Photo of a silverback gorilla walking on all fours in a field in front of trees, looking into the camera.

Silverback gorillas are known for their impressive, bulging physiques – and their rather modest genitals. Now scientists have discovered a potential genetic link between these apes’ small limbs and infertility problems in male humans. On average it is only 3 centimeters long, the penis of an adult man gorilla (Gorilla) is the smallest phallus of … Read more

‘Dusty’ archives inspire new story about the 1886 Charleston earthquake

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! The photo taken the day after the 1886 Charleston earthquake appears to show a railroad track to the right. Computer analysis of the scene reveals distances (in meters) and offsets in the scene that tell a different story. The track … Read more

Research shows that there is widespread ‘cell cannibalism’ and related phenomena in the tree of life

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! In addition to competing for resources, living cells actively kill and eat each other. New explorations of these ‘cell-within-cell’ phenomena show that they are not limited to cancer cells, but are a common facet of living organisms throughout the tree … Read more

A comet approaching Earth could become brighter than the stars this fall

a fuzzy white orb leaves a tail behind it as it soars past background stars, which appear as streaks

In a year where we’ve already been treated to the ‘Great North American Solar Eclipse’ in April and one of the greatest displays of the Northern Lights in the last 500 years in May, what other amazing celestial attractions could 2024 have in store for us? ? How about a bright comet with the naked … Read more

Webb telescope helps solve the long-standing mystery of why some planets look the way they do

Astronomers believe they have solved a remarkable and widely known cosmic mystery, NASA announced this week. Two groups of researchers, mainly using observations from the James Webb Space Telescope, have discovered what causes certain planets to form to look “swollen” or bloated much larger than the dimensions suggested by their remarkably low density. It’s a … Read more