Potentially habitable ‘exo-Venus’ with Earth-like temperature discovered

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked peer-reviewed publication trusted source proofread OK! Gliese 12 b, which orbits a cool, red dwarf star just 40 light-years away, promises to tell astronomers more about how planets close to their stars retain or lose their atmospheres. In this artist’s concept, Gliese 12 b is depicted … Read more

Genetic mutation responsible for new coat pattern in cats in Finland identified

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! Sal ammoniac staining in cats. Notable features of the coloration are: “tuxedo” (also called bicolor) white spots in the absence of white spot alleles (Ws, g), and additional gradation of the pigment in hairs with a primary color to no pigmentation at … Read more

Newly discovered exoplanet could have temperatures similar to Earth, astronomers suggest

A newly discovered exoplanet, estimated to have a remarkably moderate surface temperature, is suddenly one of the most intriguing objects in our immediate sky. This Venus-sized rocky world passes by a red dwarf star, offering astronomers a rare opportunity to investigate whether such planets can maintain their atmospheres and possibly support life. How will time … Read more

New exoplanet with Saturn mass discovered by astronomers

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked preprint trusted source proofread OK! by Tomasz Nowakowski, Phys.org Target Pixel File (TPF) of TESS sector 5 with TIC-1167538 (=TOI-2447/NGTS-29) marked with a white cross. Other sources from Gaia DR3 are marked with red circles, ordered by scale relative to the target, ordered by distance. The … Read more

Euclid telescope spies rogue planets floating freely in the Milky Way

Astronomers have spotted dozens of rogue planets floating loose from their stars after turning the Euclid Space Telescope to look at a remote region of the Milky Way. The wandering worlds were spotted deep in the Orion Nebula, a giant cloud of dust and gas 1,500 light-years away, and described in the first scientific results … Read more

New warp drive concept warps space, doesn’t move us very quickly

Enlarge / Caught in the aftermath of a temporal vortex, the Enterprise witnesses Earth, assimilated long ago, in the altered timeline. Paramount Pictures A team of physicists has discovered that it is possible to build a real, actual, physical warp drive without breaking the known rules of physics. One caveat: the ship doing the warping … Read more

Euclid Space Telescope reveals new images of the cosmos

A nursery where stars are born, just one of five new images released from Europe

A bewildering number of shiny galaxies, a purple-orange star nursery and a spiral galaxy similar to our Milky Way: new images were revealed on Thursday by the European Euclid Space Telescope. It is the second set of images released by the European Space Agency since Euclid launched the first-ever mission to investigate the mysteries of … Read more

Hundreds of stars have disappeared without a trace. A new study could explain why

In recent years, astronomers have been investigating an unusual phenomenon: stars seemingly disappearing, leaving few clues as to why they disappeared from our view. In 2019, the Vanishing and Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations (VASCO) project attempted to catalog how many stars have disappeared from view over the past 70 years and found … Read more

Scientists reveal the first data from the Euclid telescope, providing a snapshot of cosmic history

This article was reviewed according to Science fact checked trusted source proofread OK! The image, captured by the Euclid satellite, shows the Perseus cluster of galaxies bathed in a soft, soft blue light coming from orphan stars. These orphan stars are scattered throughout the cluster and extend up to 2 million light-years from the center. … Read more

Warm seawater flows under the “Doomsday Glacier” and it is as bad as it sounds

Tidal pressure has been observed to push (relatively) warm water under the Thwaites Glacier, exposing a much larger ice surface to the warming pressure. The observations indicate that catastrophic sea level rise could come much sooner than almost everyone is preparing for. Rising temperatures contribute to higher sea levels by expanding existing water in the … Read more