Venerated Spirit Ash Increase both the offensive and defensive powers of your Spirit Ashes and spectral steed Torrent in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. They are an important upgrade item if you regularly use Spirit Ashes to aid you in battle, and are essential to give you an edge against the game’s high difficulty.
Revered Spirit Ashes are one of two new stat-boosting Shadow Realm Blessings added in Shadow of the Erdtree, with the other being Scadutree Fragments, which instead boost your Tarnished’s stats. As with Scadutree Fragments, you must visit a Site of Grace and select the ‘Shadow Realm Blessing’ option to apply your Revered Spirit Ashes, with the number needed to receive a blessing increasing as you collect more.
Take a look at our below ongoing Revered Spirit Ash locations in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtreeso you can improve your Spirit Ashes.
On this page:
Revered Spirit Ash Locations in Gravesite Plain
Here are the Revered Spirit Ash locations we’ve found so far in the Gravesite Plain area of Shadow of the Erdtree:
East of Scorched Ruins
This Revered Spirit Ash can be found on the edge of the cliff east of the Scorched Ruins. It will be held in the hands of a corpse sitting on a stone platform.
Abandoned distressed village
You can find this Revered Spirit Ash on the lower cliff section on the east side of the Abandoned Ailing Village.
Approach to the main entrance of the Belurat Tower Settlement (x2)
Two Revered Spirit Ashes can be found on a statue as you approach Belurat, Tower Settlement, in a room full of scorpions.
Belurat Tower Settlement (upper town, pot shade)
If you defeat the shadow holding the pot above its head in Belurat, Tower Settlement before it disappears into thin air, you will be rewarded with another Revered Spirit Ash.
Belurat Tower Settlement (Upper Town)
Another Revered Spirit Ash can be found in Belurat on a statue near a large tree, just before you reach the final Site of Grace before fighting the main boss.
Belurat Tower Settlement, after defeating Divine Beast Dancing Lion
A Revered Spirit Ash can be found on a statue after defeating the Divine Beast Dancing Lion boss.
Northeast of Prospect Town
Traveling southeast from the Site of Mercy’Cliffroad terminus‘ in Gravesite Plain you’ll come across a Revered Spirit Ash statue at the edge of the cliffs overlooking the Western Nameless Mausoleum (where you fight the Blackgaol Knight) next to a small lake.
Ellac river cave
On your way to the Cerulean Coast you will come across a small cave with a statue just around the corner from the Site of Grace ‘Ellac River Cave’. At the base of the statue sits a Venerated Spirit Ash.
Revered Spirit Ash Locations in Scadu Altus
Below are the Revered Spirit Ash locations we’ve found so far in the Scadu Altus region of Shadow of the Erdtree:
Between Moorth Ruins and Bonny Village
You can find this Revered Spirit Ash in a hole between the Moorth Ruins and Bonny Village.
East of Moorth Ruins
This Revered Spirit Ash is next to a statue on the rock wall east of the Moorth Ruins.
Shadow Repository
A Revered Spirit Ash can be found on the back of one of the hanging animal taxidermies in the Shadow Keep’s Storehouse tower.
Ruins of Unte
Just beyond the ruins of Unte you’ll find another statue of Revered Spirit Ash nestled next to the rock wall. To reach this part of Scadu Altus, you must use the secret chest hidden in the Shadow Keep (in the same room as one of the collectible paintings) to reach the Site of Grace.Castle watering hole‘.
More to come…
Need more help? Here’s what you need to do first in Shadow of the Erdtree, as well as our list of Erdtree bosses and all the Erdtree Sites of Grace we’ve found so far.